There are going to be some significant updates/changes coming as they move everything over to Apple built processors. My ultimate answer: Use the 2012 MBP for another Apple release cycle or two. Only pointing this out as you may already own options for mobile recording if you have limited mobile need. While I have not yet tried it for mobile recording (my recording needs are not what they used to be), I am reasonably confident that my iPad Pro could handle getting the recordings done with editing on the iMac. I have limited need to use a mobile system. I did not pay Apple's ridiculous prices for that upgrade and immediately loaded in 64GB (overkill) from Crucial for much less than what Apple charges. I am not sure if it is still possible but on my iMac RAM was still user swappable. I was able to get significantly more power for the money with an iMac than on the MacBook Pro. My goal was to buy as much power as I could, since I do not plan on replacing for 5-10 years (my previous MBP made it 7 before I retired it it is still running for my brother). I had a set amount that I was willing to spend. Figure out what you need, what you are willing to spend, and the prices of systems that get you there.

Mac Mini if you have a solid monitor already or prefer to avoid all in onesĪs others have said.